To Infinity and Beyond!

I am happy to announce I am officially co-founder and CTO of Computes, inc. I couldn’t be more excited to work on another startup with my partners in crime: @ChrisMatthieu, Roy van de Water, and Peter DeMartini. We are out to change the world, again! I am eager to take on the CTO role again, especially given the incredibly ambitious dreams we have for Computes. Being at the intersection of emerging technologies and high-performing teams is where I love to be.
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The DUH Framework

I need to communicate better with my team. I created a framework to help myself. Introducing the DUH Framework. See the Github repo iamruinous/duh for the most up to date version. DUH Framework - Communicate Better, duh. Version 1.0.0 I commit myself to using a simple, action-oriented, framework to better communicate with my team. Declare My Intent Update Regularly Have a Goal During the process of doing work, what I am doing will change, and I will repeat the cycle.
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Blue/Green Deploys with Kubernetes and Amazon ELB

At Octoblu, we deploy very frequently and we’re tired of our users seeing the occasional blip when a new version is put into production. Though we’re using Amazon Opsworks to more easily manage our infrastructure, our updates can take a while for dependencies to be installed before the service restarts – not a great experience. Enter Kubernetes. We knew that moving to an immutable infrastructure approach would help us deploy our apps, which range from extremely simple web services, to complex near-real-time messaging systems, quicker and easier.
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Programming Philosophy

A few months back I started an internal weekly mailing list at Octoblu sharing my views on Programming Philosophy. I want to share those ideas a little more broadly and get some new perspectives. Programming is a deeply creative and philosophical work, unfortunately we don’t share our beliefs widely enough. You can join the Facebook Group, or I just launched a newsletter that anyone can subscribe to. You can subscribe to Programming Philosophy, or check out the Programming Philosophy Archive.
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Twenty-Something Theses of Autonomy

I believe in a radically different organization than what exists in the world today. In order to build the new economy (and thus a new world) our ideas of how an organization works must be challenged (“You can’t make an omelete [sic] without nuking the existing social order“). A keystone of this “new way” is Autonomy. In order to get the best results, Freedom is essential. I have begun the process of capturing my theory in my “Twenty-Something Theses of Autonomy.
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